Ojalá is a digital weekly dedicated to journalism and analysis that aims to foster a common sense of dissidence.

Through voices and perspectives anchored in action and research, Ojalá will illuminate and nurture the capacities of communities, peoples and feminist struggles in the context of ongoing territorial conflicts.

Since our launch in March of 2023, we have centred situated thinking, field reporting and reflexive translation, all while uplifting women’s writing. Ojalá is a patient, thread-spinning process that helps reveal the weaving of the struggles that traverse diverse geographies.

Ojalá is an intervention in a news feed lacking context. It’s a call to understand the hemisphere from its cities, towns and regions, not from an external perspective that divides the world into blocs. It’s an attempt to disrupt the hollow plurality of social networks.

We’ll dress down polarized, state-centric lines of reasoning, and make space for the unexpected flows of struggle, speech, image and organization.

Ojalá is an effort to produce unhurried reflection and understanding, as well as sharing critical opinions and analysis of issues of shared concern.

It is an experiment in reappropriating the words and arguments that explain our times.

Ojalá navigates, slow and steady, towards this horizon.

Click here to read Ojalá’s 2023-2024 impact report.

EDITOR Dawn Marie Paley
OPINION EDITOR Raquel Gutiérrez Aguilar
EDITORIAL ADVISORS Claudia López Pardo, Gladys Tzul Tzul


CONTACT US info@ojala.mx

If you are interested in collaborating with Ojalá, please contact us at pitch AT ojala DOT mx. We have a small budget to pay writers and artists. Our team strives for accuracy in our reporting, and clearly labels opinion content as such. All content-related corrections will be noted below our articles.